Leaky Gut!

I’m back!
I’ve just finished up my role with a company that I’ve been at for around a year and half.
Not a long time but definitely a good time (well for the most part). So that’s taken up most of my time and I haven’t been on here to update you all on how I’m progressing with regards to both Paleo and also Dry July!

Let’s start with Dry July. It’s actually going well and I’ve managed to raise $103 for this great cause. I’ve done now 6 days alcohol free which feels amazing. You certainly notice not having booze in your life and I’ve started to sleep a lot better for it which has been a blessing. It’s made me realise some of how I was feeling wasn’t quite right and now allowed me to focus on those areas and get them addressed. I’m also off to the Osteopath next Saturday which should also get things back in order.

Now, Paleo! It’s going well obviously as previously mentioned it’s a process. I’ve been doing Dinner as Paleo most nights, and recently I’ve started adding Lunch to the menu. I’ve had to start pushing faster to moving to Paleo as Leaky Gut Syndrome has manged to jiggle it’s way back into my life. This in turn has made me more determined to change to a full Paleo way of life as the benefits are noticeable almost immediately. I tend to get bloated at night time and my stomach can make some weird and wonderful noises. This is all caused by things that cause inflammation in the gut and in your small and large intestines. I’ve started adding into my diet a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (diluted with water) in the morning this helps to kill off yeast in the gut and the reason for that is because the apple cider vinegar is high in acidity. It’s helped me feel better almost immediately. I’ve also added probiotics to my diet and upped my intake of kombucha (only one a day but more than I had previously). All of this has helped substantially which is a great feeling.

That’s my update for now. I’m going to start baking some Paleo cookies tomorrow so expect an update about them.

Chat soon!


One meal at a time

Welcome back and it’s easy food time.

I guess one of the big questions that I get asked a lot when it comes to Paleo is “Where do I start?”.
The best answer is probably start where you feel most comfortable. Dinner is normally the easiest place to start as you will have more time in your  day as well as it’s easier to plan.
Breakfast for me was the hardest. When you think about not having bread or cereal (mainstream cereal brands) it can be quite difficult.
I’ve started again on dinner and it has been quite easy. The other night I did some chicken seared in a pan with some southern style organic seasoning and then roasted some vegetables (Pumpkin, Carrots, Orange Kumara and Onion) on an oven tray with some Olive oil, Rosemary, Thyme and Oregano. It was so damn good and easy to make.
Not to mention also that half a Pumpkin was $1.60 at New World. That’s super cheap and always helps to buy in season!

Tonight I was thinking of doing this meal tonight:

Teriyaki Meat Balls

You can find the recipe here: https://unboundwellness.com/teriyaki-chicken-meatball-meal-prep/

Chat to you soon and wish me luck with this recipe! :)


First Post. First Thoughts!

Welcome to you reader.

My first post in a new blog about going back to Paleo. For anyone who knows me, they’ll know just how much I used to go on about Paleo and the difference it made to my life.
It’s been close to two years since I stopped the Paleo lifestyle in exchange for eating whatever I feel like.
Definitely not the right thing to have done, as I have gained weight and stopped feeling as good as I used to. I’ve also noticed issues with my digestion.
So I thought it might be time to get back into eating better and getting my Paleo way of life back!

This blog will give you an insight into what to eat and what not to eat and how to introduce the Paleo diet into your life.
No doubt there will be some odd cravings, and moments where you wonder why you’re doing it but that’s why I wanted to start this blog!

Join me on this little journey and let me show you some easy tricks to going Paleo!

Also feel free to donate to my Dry July Page here (wish me luck argh): https://www.dryjuly.co.nz/users/jason-buckley

Speak soon :)
